The greenhouse is divided into three exhibition areas: tropical rain forest exhibition area, desert plant exhibition are... [全文]
The greenhouse is divided into three exhibition areas: tropical rain forest exhibition area, desert plant exhibition are... [全文]
武大本部一、武大大門武漢大學座落在風景迤邐的東湖之濱,珞珈山麓,占地面積5500余畝。它的前身是1893年由湖廣總督張之洞創(chuàng)辦的自強... [全文]
During the spring equinox every year, cherry blossoms on the campus of Wuhan University compete with each other for beau... [全文]
大家抬頭看一下這個牌坊,這是1993年武大百年校慶時由校友捐資修建的。正前面的四根八棱圓柱表示歡迎來自四面八方的學子;柱頭上的... [全文]