篁嶺因“曬秋”聞名遐邇,村落“天街”似玉帶將經(jīng)典古建串接,徽式商鋪林立,前店后坊,一幅流動的縮寫版“清明上河圖”。 周邊千棵古樹環(huán)抱、萬畝梯田簇擁,四季花海展示驚艷的“大地藝術(shù)”。
所以,婺源人說自己是徽州人這點沒錯,不過意思是指古徽州這一府六縣的地方,并不是安徽省這個概念!在婺源著名的回皖運動中,他們強調(diào),婺源從文化、軍事、經(jīng)濟及民生等各個方面來看,都與徽州融為一體,不可分割。并標語要求:重回徽國 ,甚至有“男要回皖,女要回皖,男男女女都要回皖;生不隸贛,死不隸贛,生生死死決不隸贛?!边€有“頭可斷,血可流,不回安徽誓不休?!薄皩幾霭不展?,不做江西人?!蔽依諅€去,可見民間對于徽州的認同感!
到了1949年,由于婺源及贛東北等地區(qū)由解放軍“二野”解放,以屯溪為中心的徽州地區(qū)由“三野”部隊接管。在兩支部隊軍管會分割的體制下,婺源縣于同年 5月再次脫離安徽,婺源又再度被強制劃入江西,隸屬浮梁專區(qū)。
龍脈――婺源,猶如水中靜女。其文化性格緣自“徽州,民間屬號“龍”江灣,國家AAAA級旅游區(qū),為中國最美鄉(xiāng)村婺源的一顆璀璨明珠。 千年古鎮(zhèn)江灣,鐘靈毓秀,文風(fēng)熾盛。自宋至清,這里蘊育了狀元、進士、與仕宦38人;走出明代抗倭名將江一麟、宮廷太醫(yī)江一道、清代樸學(xué)大師江永。又有文人學(xué)士19人,傳世著作92部,其中15部161卷列入《四庫全書》。千年古鎮(zhèn)江灣,嵌于錦峰繡嶺、清溪碧河之中。
婺源歷代文風(fēng)興盛,文人學(xué)士薈萃,名醫(yī)能匠人才濟濟。南宋著名的理學(xué)家、教育家朱熹,他的故鄉(xiāng)就在這里,他用一生的耕耘求學(xué)為世人后代留下了極其寶貴的文化遺產(chǎn);南宋名醫(yī)、文學(xué)家朱弁羈金16年,不辱使命;宋朝名醫(yī)江哲多次受召進京,為皇帝治??;這里有任吏部尚書兼兵部尚書的汪f,明代的皖派篆刻家何震,為官清正的尚書余懋學(xué)、余懋衡,清代著名的經(jīng)學(xué)家、音韻學(xué)家江永,創(chuàng)制天文鐘中星儀的天文學(xué)家齊彥槐等。近代的名人也不勝枚舉,被譽為“中國人的光榮”的鐵路工程師詹天佑自行設(shè)計興建了中國的第一條鐵路;著名的教育家、佛學(xué)家江謙;現(xiàn)代醫(yī)學(xué)家程門雪等等。據(jù)史書記載:從宋代至晚清,全縣考取了進士550人,出任各級官吏者2665人,明清朝竟有“一門九進士、六部四尚書”之說;今天的“一門四教授”“科學(xué)家三昆仲”也傳為佳話。歷代文人學(xué)士留下傳世著作有3100多部,其中就有172部共1487卷被選入《四全書》,所以婺源又被譽為“書鄉(xiāng)”就名不虛傳。 各位朋友,今天的婺源為什么被人們稱為最美麗的鄉(xiāng)村呢?除了她豐富而深厚的歷史文化之外,還主要得益于她那美麗的自然環(huán)境。
Hello friends, where are we going to visit today? (Wuyuan) Yes, Wuyuan isknown as "the most beautiful village in China". There is a rich historical andcultural background and beautiful natural scenery, which is a perfectcombination of natural landscape and cultural landscape.
In Wuyuan, traditional culture and green ecology get the most naturalintegration. Now I'd like to introduce the general situation of Wuyuan. Wuyuanis located in the northeast of Jiangxi Province, at the junction of Jiangxi,Anhui and Zhejiang provinces. She is like a "green pearl" inlaid in the goldentriangle of Huangshan, Sanqingshan and Jingdezhen tourism. The county covers anarea of 2947 square kilometers, including 11 towns and 15 townships, with apopulation of 325600. The county is located in Ziyang town. Wuyuan has a longhistory.
Now, tourists, do you have a question: isn't this a paradise for birds? Whydon't you have a bird? If so, let's have a hand now. As long as you clap yourhand, the birds will swarm out. Look! Big, small, flowery, black, some areflapping their wings, some are feeding the birds, some are combing theirfeathers. Listen! That thrush sings a beautiful song!
Although there are thousands of birds on the trees, the most striking onesare white crane and grey Mahe. White crane flies out to forage in the morningand returns to nest in the evening, while grey crane flies out to forage in theevening and returns to nest at daybreak. They go in and out in the morning andevening every day, alternating, and the scene is quite spectacular.
In late May 1935, Liu Bocheng's advance troops of the first red armyquickly marched into Anshun square and prepared to cross the Dadu River byforce. On the evening of May 24, 1935, the first regiment of the first divisionof the first Red Army Corps, led by Liu Bocheng and Nie Rongzhen, arrived inMa'anshan. As they were preparing to rest, they suddenly received an order fromthe headquarters to attack the Anshun ferry not far away and cross the DaduRiver by force. So Liu Bocheng and others decided to let the first battalion setout immediately, seize Anshun square first, and then carry out forcedcrossing.
As early as in ancient times, there were three Miao tribes living here.During the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, it belongedto the state of Wu. After the unification of Qin Shihuang, it belonged toZhangjun. The county was first established in the 28th year of Kaiyuan (740A.D.) of Tang Dynasty, with a history of more than 1200 years. After theestablishment of Wuyuan County, it belonged to Shezhou from the Tang Dynasty tothe Five Dynasties, Xin'an County of Huizhou in the Song Dynasty, Huizhou roadin the Yuan Dynasty, Huizhou government in the Ming and Qing Dynasties, AnhuiProvince until September 1934, and then Jiangxi Province. In August 1947, it wasagain designated as Anhui Province. On May 1, 1949, Wuyuan was liberated andclassified as Jiangxi Province. Although the subordinate relationship haschanged several times, it is still an integral part of Huizhou culture.
Wang Bo of the Tang Dynasty praised Nanchang for its "natural treasures andoutstanding people". As a matter of fact, Wuyuan, where Zhong lingyuxiu lived,is not like this. The literary style of Wuyuan has flourished in the pastdynasties, the scholars have gathered together, the famous doctors and craftsmenhave many talents. Zhu Xi, a famous Neo Confucianist and educator in theSouthern Song Dynasty, whose hometown is here, left an extremely valuablecultural heritage for the world's future generations through his lifetime ofhard work; Zhu Bian, a famous doctor and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty,lived up to his mission in Jijin for 16 years; Jiang Zhe, a famous doctor in theSong Dynasty, was called to Beijing many times to treat the emperor's diseases;Zhu Bian, a famous doctor and writer in the Southern Song Dynasty, lived up tohis mission; There are Wang Wei, the Minister of the Ministry of official andthe Minister of the Ministry of military affairs, he Zhen, the seal cutter ofthe WAN school in the Ming Dynasty, Yu Maoxue and Yu maoheng, the official andupright ministers, Jiang Yong, the famous Confucian classics and phonologist inthe Qing Dynasty, and Qi Yanhuai, the astronomer who created the astronomicalclock and astrometer.
There are many celebrities in modern times, such as railway engineer ZhanTianyou, who is known as "the glory of Chinese people", designed and builtChina's first railway; famous educator and Buddhist Jiang Qian; modern medicalexpert Cheng menxue, etc. According to historical records: from the Song Dynastyto the late Qing Dynasty, 550 Jinshi were admitted to the county, and 2665 wereappointed as officials at all levels. In the Ming and Qing Dynasties, there wasa saying of "nine Jinshi in one school and four Shangshu in six departments";today's "four professors in one school" and "three Kunzhong scientists" are alsowell-known. There are more than 3100 handed down works left by scholars of alldynasties, among which 172, with a total of 1487 volumes, have been selectedinto Sikuquanshu. Therefore, Wuyuan is well-known as the "hometown ofbooks".
Dear friends, why is today's Wuyuan known as the most beautiful village? Inaddition to her rich and profound history and culture, it also benefits from herbeautiful natural environment. Wuyuan is a mountainous county, known as "eighthalf mountain, one field, half waterway and Manor", is a typical mountainouscounty in the south of the Yangtze River. It belongs to the humid climate zonein the middle subtropical zone, with an annual average temperature of 16.7 ℃.The highest peak in the county is Dazhang mountain in the north, and the mainpeak, Leigu peak, is 1630 meters above sea level. The ancients said that Dazhangmountain was the place where Zhong Ling was born. Wuyi had a prosperous cultureand a large number of talented people, which was related to the Yuxiu Zhong Lingmountain.
Zheling in the northeast is the boundary between Wu and Chu in the springand autumn and Warring States period. The unique geographical environment andgood sense of ecological protection make the green hills and streams here green.The forest coverage rate of the county is as high as 81.5%, and it is one of theadvanced ecological agriculture counties in China, and has won the title of"national top 100 greening counties". Wuyuan, also known as "tea town", is a keyproduction area and export base of green tea in China. "Wuyuan green tea" isrecorded in the tea classic of Tang Dynasty, which is called "top quality" inSong Dynasty. In Ming and Qing Dynasties, he won silver medal from emperorJiajing and gold medal from Panama International Exposition. The teaEncyclopedia of the United States praised "Wulu" tea as "the best quality ofChinese green tea". "Dazhangshan tea" is the first AA grade green food in China,and has been certified by many EU organic food supervision agencies.
Wuyuan is a famous eco-tourism area in Jiangxi Province and a nationalcultural and eco-tourism demonstration area approved by the National TourismAdministration. What special products does Wuyuan have? Her four-color specialproducts are well-known. The green tea just mentioned is the "green" of the fourcolors, and the other three colors are "red, black and white". Red is thetreasure in the water. It is tender and delicious. When American President Nixonand Japanese Prime Minister Tanaka visited China, they all tasted Wuyuan redcarp. Black is one of the four Ming inkstones in China. It has thecharacteristics of "sound like copper, color like iron, firm and smooth nature,and good at solidifying ink". Li Yu, the empress of the Southern Tang Dynasty,praised him as the "world champion". White is Jiangwan Sydney. It ripens in Juneevery year. The pear has big fruit body, thick flesh, crisp fragrance and sweettaste.
Wuyuan has many scenic spots and historic sites. As early as the Tang andSong Dynasties, it was a famous tourist attraction. Li Bai, Su Dongpo, HuangTingjian, Zhang Dazhi, Zongze, Yue Fei and so on all visited here, and left manypraise poems. There are many famous ancient trees with a long history, a widevariety and a large number of trees; Yuanyang Lake, a paradise for migratorybirds with beautiful scenery; the well preserved Ming and Qing ancient buildingswith stone, brick and wood carvings; rainbow bridge, a simple and magnificentcorridor bridge; Yu's ancestral hall, the largest ancestral hall in the south ofthe Yangtze River; and Jiangwan, the ancestral home of President JiangZemin.
Hello everyone! I'm your tour guide today. You can call me director Zhang.Our destination today is a paradise for birds. OK, now please get on board.Let's go to bird's paradise. While you are on the boat, I'd like to introduceyou to bird's Paradise: Bird's paradise refers to an ancient banyan tree morethan 500 years old, which is located on an island in Tianma River, Tianmavillage, Xinhui City, Guangdong Province. The crown of banyan is surprisinglylarge, covering about 18 mu of the river, with a single tree into a forest.
It was also the location of "shining red star" and "Liaozhai". We canacquire knowledge of historical relics as well as landscape cultivation.
In front of the two estuaries is a fork. 56 kilometers on the left isHailuogou, which goes to the "glacial world". Of course, to see the glaciers,Hailuogou's ice waterfall is 1080 meters high and 500-1100 meters wide. Its areais 15 times that of Huangguoshu waterfall in Guizhou Province. It is a hugeglacier steep slope composed of multi-level ice slopes. Glaciers here are in astate of super extension. There are frequent ice avalanches and avalanches allyear round. It's very dangerous. So we'd better go to the right side instead ofthe Dadu River to see Luding Bridge. It's very close, only 14 km.
The defenders of Luding Bridge built a strong bridgehead at the east endand removed some boards from the iron rope at the west end. At 4:00 p.m. on the29th, the red army launched a battle to seize the bridge. Twenty two commandosbraved the enemy's intensive artillery fire, stepped on the swaying iron rope,held on the iron rope and rushed to the opposite bank. Under their feet is thesurging river, overhead is the enemy's roaring bullets, but they forget life anddeath, with overwhelming courage, rushed to the East Bridge to fight with theenemy. Later troops poured in, and at dusk, the advance troops occupied LudingBridge and Luding city. That night, Liu Bocheng led the right troops to LudingBridge. On June 2, all the main forces of the Red Army crossed the Dadu River.The battle of Dadu River ended with the victory of the Red Army.
Historians say: from here we can find the connection point between ancientand modern Chinese history and culture; philosophers say: This is an ideal placeto study the history, culture, economy, art and even the feudal patriarchalsystem of ancient Huizhou; artists say: This is the source of creativeinspiration.
What's more. On May 29, 20__, President Jiang Zemin, accompanied by ComradeZeng Qinghong, personally visited Wuyuan. President Jiang visited JiangwanCentral Primary School, farmer Jiang's home, retired teacher Jiang Qichang'shome, Jinshan tea garden and other places. The purpose of our trip to Wuyuan isto follow Chairman Jiang's footsteps again.
Into heaven, close to birds, let's go to embrace nature, I hope you canfeel all this beautiful heart! Although some reluctant, we still have to leave,thank you for your cooperation!
My friends, I'll introduce the general situation of Wuyuan here, and I'llexplain the specific scenic spots in detail. I wish you a happy and fruitfultrip to Wuyuan. thank you!
The old people said that in ancient times, it was known as "Jingdongresort". Many people from inside and outside the pass went here to offerincense. One day, pilgrims got into the cave with torches to see how deep thewater curtain cave was. But it's getting narrower and narrower. There are toomany people to accommodate. The pilgrims chose a cake seller and a wax seller tovisit inside, while the others sat in the outer cave waiting.
黃山圈 這是清初著名畫家弘仁的杰作,筆墨瘦勁簡潔,風(fēng)格冷峭,是一幅極為難得的珍品。弘仁(1610―1664年)安徽歙縣人,本姓江名韜,字六奇,明亡后出家為僧,名弘仁,字漸江,他是新安畫派的開創(chuàng)大師。