The First China Unconventional Gas Summit
Distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen,Good morning!
I am the chairwoman of the China Unconventional Gas Summit.It is a great pleasure for me to welcome you to Beijing to discu various aspects of unconventional gas.I hope that this summit will provide opportunity for academic exchange and contribute to the development of unconventional gas in China.Now I declare the China Unconventional Gas Summit is open!Please allow me to introduce today’s speakers.They are Yuan Dandan and Hu Ying, who both are profeors of China University of Petroleum.They will jointly deliver a speech titled “Prospect and Development of Shale Gas in China”.Let’s welcome them.Thanks profeor Yuan and Profeor Hu for their excellent presentation.Do you have any questions about it?
Any other question?
Thank you again for your excellent explanation.Okay, as time is limited, I am sorry to say that this seion has to stop here.Now we come to the end of this summit.On behalf of all the members of the organizing committee, I wish to expre our sincere gratitude to all of you who have so actively participated in this congre to make it such a succe.And now, I declare the China Unconventional Gas Summit closed.Thank you!