Let's look up at this memorial archway. It was built by alumni on the centennial anniversary of Wuhan University in 199... [全文]
Let's look up at this memorial archway. It was built by alumni on the centennial anniversary of Wuhan University in 199... [全文]
下了火車,看著這個酷熱的城市,我不禁感嘆:果然是武漢!“武漢”這個名字總給人一種熱鬧、干燥的感覺。下車以后,我們連忙打起了傘,身上瞬... [全文]
Headquarters of Wuhan University1、 Gate of Wuhan UniversityWuhan University is located on the Bank of the East Lake and... [全文]
女士們、先生們: 你們好!歡迎你們來到美麗的江城——武漢游覽觀光,我們今天將要去游覽的是著名的辛亥革命首義舊址——紅樓。趁現(xiàn)在... [全文]
因為大家初到武漢,對武漢這個城市一定充滿了好奇,我先就武漢的情況,來給大家做一個簡單的介紹。武漢是湖北的省會,也是我省政治、文化... [全文]
The greenhouse is divided into three exhibition areas: tropical rain forest exhibition area, desert plant exhibition are... [全文]