

        發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-02-22 23:52:59




          (車上的導(dǎo)游歡迎詞) 大家上午好!首先請?jiān)试S我自我介紹下.我是江西九江**旅行社的地接導(dǎo)游員,我姓朱名軍!和<<藝術(shù)人生>>的主持人同名!大家這次的江西之旅便由我負(fù)責(zé)!如何稱呼我,我感覺這是我們必須解決的問題!大家感覺應(yīng)該怎么稱呼我?(給考官一個(gè)懸念,增強(qiáng)對自己的印象)小朱?呵呵,這個(gè)朋友講的不好!特別是把朱字拉的那么長!叫朱導(dǎo)?這個(gè)也不可以,這樣稱呼我在無形中把我和您的距離拉遠(yuǎn)了!您是游客我是導(dǎo)游!看大家這樣的著急,那我可以提示下!來我們江西可以按照我們江西的叫法!(停頓下)老表?對,這位朋友講的非常好!離我們的正確答案只有一步之遙啦!呵呵,不難為大家拉!如果您認(rèn)為您的年紀(jì)比我大,那您就稱呼我為表弟,如果認(rèn)為您年紀(jì)比我小,就稱呼我為表哥!




          (1樓門口)大家現(xiàn)在看到的”落霞與孤鶩齊飛,秋水共長天一色”是毛主席同志的親筆手書,在重建滕王閣的時(shí)候送給我們江西!江澤民在1989年和1989年來我們這里參觀時(shí),在這里久久觀賞,并和我們的導(dǎo)游員一起吟誦了<滕王閣序> !

          (進(jìn)入到1樓)現(xiàn)在我們到的位置就是這個(gè)建筑的第三層,也是我們滕王閣的序廳! 請看我們的正前方,有一幅漢白玉浮雕<時(shí)來風(fēng)送滕王閣>,是根據(jù)明朝的馮夢龍的<醒世恒言>中的名篇<馬當(dāng)神風(fēng)送滕王閣>而創(chuàng)作的!它將不同的時(shí)間空間人物和故事集合在同一個(gè)畫面上,體現(xiàn)出歷史的厚重!它主要介紹我們滕王閣的來由!描寫的是與楊炯、盧照鄰、駱賓王號(hào)稱初唐四杰”的王勃在前往當(dāng)時(shí)的交趾(現(xiàn)在的越南)探望被貶職的父親在江西馬當(dāng)山處遇到大風(fēng),幸遇中原水神的幫助而抵到當(dāng)時(shí)的洪洲,在不明白當(dāng)時(shí)舉辦滕王閣高會(huì)主要目的(閻都督準(zhǔn)備在此會(huì)上炫耀其女婿的文才)而在眾人的半推半就中寫下了生命的絕唱<騰王閣序>! 王勃寫完這個(gè)詩文離開洪洲在海上就遇海難! 王勃作序后,又有王仲舒作記,王緒作賦,歷史上稱為"三王文章"。從此,序以閣而聞名,閣以序而著稱。

          (進(jìn)入到2樓)現(xiàn)在我們來到就是第4層”人杰廳”!這里主要描繪的是江西從先秦以來的歷代名人!一共有80位!雖然他們的時(shí)代,服飾,地位,年紀(jì),職業(yè),性格和人品不同,但和諧的統(tǒng)一在同一畫面!因?yàn)闀r(shí)間的原因我們就簡單介紹其中的幾位! 第一位是我們左邊的張?zhí)鞄?著道袍的這位!道教的始祖東漢的張道陵,雖然不是江西人,但是一生都和江西發(fā)生過極其密切關(guān)系。他創(chuàng)辦五斗米道”之前,做過九江令,創(chuàng)辦五斗米道”之后,又在龍虎山煉過丹。目前道家的影響在海外特別大,特別是日本韓國人對道家非常有興趣!第二位就是在張?zhí)鞄熍赃叺暮蜕?慧遠(yuǎn)和尚, 晉武帝太元六年(381年),慧遠(yuǎn)和尚奉道安之命,來到廬山宣揚(yáng)佛法。而廬山的清幽安寧、云霧繚繞、曲徑通峽的風(fēng)景,在慧遠(yuǎn)心中也逐漸形成了一個(gè)奇幻的境界。時(shí)隔五年,慧遠(yuǎn)在廬山創(chuàng)建東林寺并結(jié)白蓮社,自此一住三十余年,四處講學(xué),直至圓寂那一天,而廬山的錦繡谷、石門澗等處處都有著他講經(jīng)說法的痕跡。他以白蓮社為基地,畢生精力倡導(dǎo)凈土宗,著有《法性論》等經(jīng)書15卷50本,逐漸開佛教一派山門&mdash;&mdash;凈土宗?;圻h(yuǎn)首結(jié)蓮社,使佛教取得了平民信仰的形式,開始在平民中傳播,可以這樣講:慧遠(yuǎn)的最大貢獻(xiàn)是他將復(fù)雜的佛家進(jìn)行了改造,走入到了老百姓家中! 在我們現(xiàn)在看到的拐角出就是有名的”徐孺下陳蕃之榻”!徐孺,名稚,字孺子。江西豐城人。東漢時(shí)名士,滿腹經(jīng)綸而淡泊名利,時(shí)稱南州高士”。徐孺子小時(shí)候就很聰明。十五歲時(shí)來到今豐城、南昌、進(jìn)賢三縣交界的櫧山,拜當(dāng)時(shí)著名學(xué)者唐檀為師。和陳蕃關(guān)系非常好,平時(shí)不接待賓客的陳蕃,居然破例在太守府中為徐孺子特備一榻,徐來則張之,徐去則撤之,是為徐孺下陳蕃之榻”所由來!后來人們就把有貴賓來安排住宿稱為”下榻”.不知道在看的過程中有沒有看到有一位特別的人物在這里?(停頓下)有朋友已經(jīng)指出來了,他就是嚴(yán)嵩,明朝人,字惟中,號(hào)介溪,江西分宜人,專國政達(dá)20年之久,為中國歷史上著名的*臣之一。為什么他的畫象在這里?主要是我們這里不以人品而以其文品來評(píng)論!王廷相語曾經(jīng)這樣評(píng)論他的文才:詩思沖邃閑遠(yuǎn)”,文致明潤宛潔”王世貞的評(píng)論他孔雀雖有毒,不能掩文章”,表示不能因人廢文,來肯定他 獨(dú)為迥出”的文學(xué)功力。

          (3樓)這里是明層.我們到的第五層!在中廳有壁畫<臨川夢>,在公元1599年, 湯顯祖首次在滕王閣排演了<牡丹亭>這出戲,開創(chuàng)了滕王閣上演戲曲的先河!滕王閣從此由一個(gè)歌舞戲臺(tái)變成戲曲舞臺(tái)!實(shí)現(xiàn)了功能的改變!在壁畫中的色彩以灰藍(lán)為基調(diào),所有人物的眼睛全部是閉上的!烘托出夢境的感覺!中間的老者的頭微微向旁邊翹起,表示他不愿意同腐敗的統(tǒng)治當(dāng)局同流合污!表現(xiàn)自己對黑暗現(xiàn)實(shí)的抨擊!他于1616年逝世,這恰好和英國大戲劇家莎士比亞是同一年去世。由于湯顯祖在東方劇壇上的崇高地位,人們都稱湯顯祖是中國的莎士比亞”。 由于他生活在明未清初 ,我國已經(jīng)出現(xiàn)了資本主義的萌芽!資本主義的發(fā)展需要民主自由的環(huán)境,而當(dāng)時(shí)的政府是不會(huì)答應(yīng)這個(gè)要求的!所以湯老先生把自己的感情全部傾注在自己的作品中!《紫釵記》、《牡丹亭》、《邯鄲記》、《南柯記》,因?yàn)檫@些戲的內(nèi)容都和夢有關(guān)系,又被稱為臨川四夢”。從作品的名稱中我們可以看到他對生活在現(xiàn)實(shí)中的不滿!!他的作品所提出的反封建禮教,宣揚(yáng)個(gè)性解放,主張愛情自由的口號(hào)才更具有深刻的社會(huì)意義和思想意義,同時(shí)也在很大程度上加強(qiáng)了古代愛情劇的思想和社會(huì)深度。

          (4樓)7山1水自由選擇2-3個(gè)重點(diǎn)介紹)這里是地靈亭,我們到的第6層!主要是我們江西的聞名的7山1水!它也在某種程度上體現(xiàn)了我們江西的地貌特征”7山1水2分田”!7山一水從左至右分別是江西大庾嶺梅關(guān),龜峰,三清山,龍虎山,井岡山,廬山,鄱陽湖,石鐘山! 大庾嶺梅關(guān),梅關(guān)古道始通于秦漢,是古代溝通中原與嶺南的五條交通要道之一。唐開元四年(公元716年),為適應(yīng)當(dāng)時(shí)南北經(jīng)濟(jì)文化交流的需要。張九齡又奉詔另鑿新道。前后用了二年的時(shí)間,開通了一條寬1丈,長30華里,兩旁廣植松梅的大道?,F(xiàn)存的梅關(guān)古道約8公里,路面鋪砌青石的鵝卵石。



          龜峰,龜峰系國家級(jí)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū),國家3a級(jí)旅游區(qū)。曾是電視連續(xù)劇《西游記》的外景拍攝基地。它位于弋陽縣城西南部,總面積136平方公里,自古以"三十六峰、八大景"著稱,享有"江南盆景"之譽(yù)。龜峰側(cè)看成峰,全看成景,無山不龜,無石不龜!故名!三清山,龍虎山,井岡山,廬山,鄱陽湖,石鐘山等地就不一一介紹了! 三清山,古有天下無雙福地”、江南第一仙峰”之稱,三清山位于江西上饒東北部,主峰玉京峰海拔1816.9米,雄踞于懷玉山脈群峰之上。三清山因玉京、玉虛、玉華三座山峰高聳入云,宛如道教玉清、上清、太清三個(gè)最高境界而得名。在漫長的地質(zhì)史中,三清山歷經(jīng)了多次地質(zhì)構(gòu)造運(yùn)動(dòng)尤以大規(guī)模斷裂褶和巖漿活動(dòng)的印支燕山運(yùn)動(dòng)為最成熟,從而形成了三清山今日的奇?zhèn)ゾ坝^,具有很高的觀賞和研究價(jià)值。三清山東險(xiǎn)西奇、北秀南絕,兼具泰山之雄偉、華山之峻峭、衡山之煙云、匡廬之飛瀑”的特點(diǎn)。龍虎山位于江西省鷹潭市郊西南20公里處。是中國道教發(fā)祥地,國家重點(diǎn)風(fēng)景名勝區(qū)。整個(gè)景區(qū)面積200多平方公里。源遠(yuǎn)流長的道教文化、獨(dú)具特色的碧水丹山和千古未解的崖墓群構(gòu)成了龍虎山風(fēng)景旅游區(qū)自然景觀和人文景觀的三絕”?!端疂G》第一回張?zhí)鞄熎盱烈撸樘菊`走妖魔”就以千峰競秀、萬壑爭流。瀑布斜飛、藤蘿倒掛”這樣生動(dòng)的文字描寫這里的景色。龍虎山原名云錦山。東漢中葉,第一代天師張道陵在此肇基煉九天神丹,丹成而龍虎見,山因以名”。張?zhí)鞄熢邶埢⑸匠幸u六十三代,歷經(jīng)一千九百多年,是我國一姓嗣教最長的道派,素有北孔(孔夫子)南張(張?zhí)鞄?”之稱,上清宮內(nèi)伏魔殿的鎮(zhèn)妖井,就是施耐庵筆下梁山一百零八將的出處。該地歷時(shí)二千六百多年的春秋戰(zhàn)國崖墓群,以其分布廣、數(shù)量多、位置險(xiǎn)、造型奇特、文物豐富面堪稱中國這最,世界一絕。被譽(yù)為天然考古博物館。井岡山,位于江西省西南部,地處湘贛兩省交界的羅霄山脈中段,東邊江西泰和、遂川兩縣,南鄰湖南炎陵縣,西靠湖南茶陵縣,北接江西永新縣,是江西省西南的門戶。解放后, 國務(wù)院的親切關(guān)懷下,于1950年在茨坪設(shè)立了井岡山特別區(qū),1959年成立省轄井岡山管理局,1981年撤局設(shè)縣,1984年經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)撤縣設(shè)市,2000年5月經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)將原井岡山市與原寧岡縣合并組建新的井岡山市。全市現(xiàn)轄21個(gè)鄉(xiāng)鎮(zhèn)和街道辦事處,總?cè)丝?4.8萬余人,總面積為1308.58平方米。1927年10月,毛澤東、朱德、陳毅、彭德懷、滕代遠(yuǎn)等老一輩無產(chǎn)階級(jí)革命家率領(lǐng)中國工農(nóng)紅軍來到井岡山,創(chuàng)建中國第一個(gè)農(nóng)村革命根據(jù)地,開辟了以農(nóng)村包圍城市、武裝奪取政權(quán)”的具有中國特色的革命道路,從此鮮為人知的井岡山被載入中國革命歷史的光榮史冊,被譽(yù)為中國革命的搖籃”和中華人民共和國的奠基石”。井岡山的斗爭,從1927年10月到1930年2月為止,共計(jì)兩年零四個(gè)月,時(shí)間雖不長,但為全國開辟了一條成功之路,尤其為后人留下寶貴的精神財(cái)富&mdash;&mdash;井岡山精神;堅(jiān)定信念,敢闖新路。其精髓是:一是堅(jiān)定不移的理想信念;二是實(shí)事求是的思想路線;三是黨管武裝的基本原則;四是血肉相連的干群關(guān)系;五是艱苦奮斗的創(chuàng)業(yè)精神。廬山(略)。鄱陽湖古稱彭澤,面積達(dá)3914平方公里,是我國的第一大淡水湖,它上承贛、撫、信、饒、修五江之水,下通長江,它南寬北窄,象一個(gè)巨大的葫蘆系在長江的腰上,它每年流入長江的水超過了黃河、淮河和海河三河的總流量,是長江水流的調(diào)節(jié)器。鄱陽湖煙波浩渺、水草豐美,湖中有大量長江流域的珍貴魚類漫游,每年還有許多珍貴的鳥類棲息在這里,使得鄱陽湖的風(fēng)景顯得更加宜人。不僅如此,鄱陽湖自古以來就是文人墨客會(huì)聚之地,許多詩人都在此留下了不朽的詩句,如王勃的漁舟唱晚,響彭蠡之濱”,蘇東坡的山蒼蒼、水茫茫、大姑小姑江中央”,描繪的都是鄱陽湖的勝境。鄱陽湖的著名景點(diǎn)有石鐘山、大孤山、南山、落星湖等等。石鐘山,中國千古奇音第一山,位于中國第一大江長江與中國第一大淡水湖鄱陽湖的交匯處;其南望匡廬,北鎮(zhèn)長江,江湖水分兩色,繪成一幅壯觀奇妙的《涇渭圖》。山上古建筑與碑、石刻相得益彰,互相輝映,集樓、臺(tái)、亭、閣等于一體,是一座典型的江南園林。這里石塊具有天然形成的皺、透、瘦、漏、丑等特點(diǎn),千姿百態(tài)。而且石叩之有聲,觀之出奇。登臨其上,看長江滔滔,觀鄱湖浩淼,令人心曠神怡,留連忘返。正是由于這里奇峭的自然景觀和悠久的人文景觀,吸引了歷代眾多的文人學(xué)者前來探奇覽勝,著文賦詩;其中最為著名的是宋代蘇東坡的《石鐘山記》而名揚(yáng)天下。

          (5樓)我們現(xiàn)在到了登高覽勝的最佳處,第7層,中廳是蘇老先生的手書《騰王閣序》,分為序文和詩文兩部分!詩文既是對序文的延續(xù),也是對序文的概括!公元663年九月初九重陽節(jié),洪州閻都督在新落成的滕王閣大宴賓客,當(dāng)?shù)刂耸慷紤?yīng)邀出席。王勃正好路過這里,也應(yīng)邀參加。因?yàn)樗攀臍q,所以被安排在不顯眼的座位上。閻都督的女婿很會(huì)寫文章,閻都督叫他預(yù)先寫好一篇序文,以便當(dāng)眾炫耀一番。大家酒酣之際,閻都督站起來說:今天洪州的文人雅士歡聚一堂,不可無文章記下這次盛會(huì),各位都是當(dāng)今名流,請寫賦為序,使滕王閣與妙文同垂千古,話畢,侍候的人將紙筆放在眾人面前。但是大家推來推去,沒有一個(gè)人動(dòng)筆。后來推到王勃面前,王勃競將紙筆收下,低頭沉思。過了一會(huì)兒,王勃卷起袖口,揮毫即書。閻都督見是一個(gè)少年動(dòng)筆,不太高興,走出大廳,憑欄眺望江景,并囑咐侍從將王勃寫的句子,隨時(shí)抄給他看。才過一會(huì)兒,侍從抄來《滕王閣序》的開頭囚句:南昌故郡,洪都新府。星分翼輕,地接衡廬?!边@四句的意思是:滕玉閣所在之處過去屬南昌郡治,現(xiàn)在歸你洪州府。它的上空有冀、鞍兩墾,地面連接衡山、廬山兩山。閻都督看了,認(rèn)為這不過是老生常談,誰都會(huì)寫,一笑置之。其實(shí),這十六個(gè)字把南昌的歷史和地理的概況都交代清楚了,縱橫交錯(cuò),起筆不凡。接著,侍從又抄來了兩句,襟三江而帶五湖,控蠻荊而引匝越?!遍惗级娇戳擞行┏泽@。他想,這少年以三江(指荊江、湘江和浙江)為衣襟,又將五湖(指太湖、都陽湖、青草湖、丹陽湖、洞庭湖)為飄帶,既控制著南方遼闊的楚地,又接引著東方肥美的越地,大有舉足輕重。扭動(dòng)乾坤之氣。寫出這樣有氣魄的句子,不是大胸襟、大手筆是不可能的。 侍從接著抄上來幾句,更使閻都督吃掠:物華天寶,龍光射牛斗之墟;人杰地靈,徐孺下陳蕃之榻。”原來,王勃在這里用了兩個(gè)典故。前一個(gè)典故是說,物有精華,天有珍寶,龍泉?jiǎng)Φ墓饷⒅鄙涮焐隙诵撬拗械亩匪藓团K拗g。意思是洪州有奇寶。后&mdash;個(gè)典故是說,東漢時(shí)南昌人徐孺家貧而不愿當(dāng)官,但與大守陳蕃是好朋友。陳蕃特地設(shè)一只榻,專供接待徐孺之用。意思是洪州有杰出的人才。






        Hello everyone! I'm a tour guide of Nanchang "aikesi" travel company. My name is Zhang. You can call me Zhang tour guide. I'm surrounded by ten thousand drivers with first-class technology. You don't have to be afraid when you get on the car. The license plate number is Gan a74189. Please remember the license plate number!

        Now it's on SuPu road to Bayi park. Bayi Park was called Gongyuan in Qing Dynasty. It was called Hubin Park in 1932, and it was changed to Jieshi park on April 3, 1945. It was named in July 1950. The total area is 23.7 hectares and the land area is 64 hectares.

        There are small shops in Bayi Park, where you can row a boat to enjoy the cool, play with the toys and draw pictures. There are many willows beside the river. When the wind blows, sister willow's hair is like a shake. In the center of the river, like the summer palace in Beijing, there is also an island. The island is green with many leaves floating down, like green dragonflies. Many branches of weeping willows hang down. Tourists should be careful not to be hung by the branches when rowing. There are many fake stones in Bayi Park, which look different. No two of them are Zhen's. There is a small road in the middle of the stones. There is also a small pavilion in Bayi Park, where people can enjoy the cool.

        "Free for an hour," I called out. Everyone bought popsicles to eat, some took pictures, and some lovers were rowing. I gave everyone a bag. Don't throw the food bag around. Put the food bag in the bag. Soon, time passed. I asked everyone to gather at the gate and count the number of people. WOW! Yes, there's not a few people!

        The tour of Bayi park is over. We will go to Qingshan Lake amusement park tomorrow and baohulu farm in Nanchang the day after tomorrow. Please have a good leisure and keep your spirit. We can play tomorrow. Good night!


        Hello, friends. First of all, on behalf of our travel agency and myself, I would like to welcome you. Now we are going to visit the memorial hall of the August 1 Uprising. The building you see now is the former site of the general headquarters of the August 1 Uprising. It was originally Jiangxi Grand Hotel, built in 1920___ It was a standard Hui Style Building and one of the tallest buildings in Nanchang at that time.

        After entering the hall, we can see that on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the founding of the army___ Visit the inscription "the place where the flag rises" left here. The room you see now is the room of the health guard of the uprising army, the room opposite is the room of the guard, and in the middle is the patio. The patio can not only play the role of ventilation and lighting, but also implies the meaning of a round sky and a place. The pebbles on the ground symbolize gold ingots, and these blank lines are like a huge lock, which means to lock money. The four water tanks around the patio are the fire fighting equipment of the Grand Hotel, which were used to drink water for the rebels during the uprising. At that time, most of the buildings in the hotel were of wood structure, which gradually changed into brick and wood structure after liberation.

        Next, we are going to see the celebration Hall of Jiangxi Grand Hotel. It used to be a place for the rich to celebrate their birthday. The leading comrades of the uprising army held important meetings here many times to arrange issues related to the uprising. The four chairs, two tea tables and the dressing mirror on display here are original objects, and the other furniture is copied. The clock refers to the time when the Nanchang Uprising started, 1920___ At 2 a.m. on August 1, 2008. On the right side of the auditorium is room 9. This is the meeting place of the Military Staff Committee during the uprising. At that time, the house price here was three dollars a day, and one ocean was about 100 yuan. It can be imagined that the consumption of the hotel was very high at that time. On the left is room 10, where the leading comrades of the rebel army worked and rested during the uprising.

        Please follow me to the second floor. This is room 25. Comrade Zhou Enlai used to work here. This is also the best room in the hotel. There are not only floor glass, but also electric light and telephone.

        After entering the hall on the second floor, the five sculptures you see are the main leaders of Nanchang Uprising: Zhou Enlai, Ye Ting, he long, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng. The reliefs on both sides are rubbings from the monument to the people's Heroes in Beijing. If you go on, you can see a modern screen projector, which demonstrates how Zhu De restrained the two regimental commanders and Deputy regiments of the enemy in the name of setting up a banquet, playing mahjong and eating, so as to make the uprising go smoothly.

        The Nanchang Uprising was in 1920___ In 1920, the cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist party broke down and the great revolution failed___ At the beginning of the year, the Kuomintang and the Communist Party established a united front. In May, Dr. Sun Yat Sen founded the Huangpu Military Academy, 1920___ The great victory of the Northern Expedition and the vigorous development of the workers and peasants movement touched the interests of Chiang Kai Shek's reactionaries in 1920___ On April 12, 1937, Chiang Kai Shek launched an anti Japanese war in East China, Shanghai___ In the coup d'etat, on July 15, the Wang Jingwei group announced the "separation of the Communist Party" in Wuhan, which led to the complete breakdown of the first cooperation between the Kuomintang and the Communist Party. Countless revolutionaries fell into a pool of blood, and the great revolution was defeated.

        The failure of the revolution made the CPC Central Committee realize the extreme importance of armed struggle. In early July, the CPC Central Committee rejected the wrong line of Chen Duxiu's right capitulationism. On July 13, the CPC Central Committee issued the "Declaration of the CPC Central Committee on the political situation" and determined the general principles of armed struggle and agrarian revolution. Later, in mid July, according to Comrade Jiujiang's suggestion, the CPC decided to hold an armed uprising in Nanchang, and sent Comrade Zhou Enlai to lead the uprising on behalf of the CPC Central Committee. While the CPC was actively preparing for the Nanchang Uprising, the KMT Wuhan government also stepped up its "Qing Communist" activities in the army. 1920___ On July 24, 2000, Zhang Fakui informed Ye Ting that he long would go to Lushan Mountain to hold a military meeting. At that time, Ye Jianying, who knew the inside story of the meeting, rushed from Lushan Mountain to Jiujiang, and agreed with Ye Ting and he long on a small boat in TANG2 Lake in Jiujiang that he would not go to Lushan Mountain for the meeting, but would go to Nanchang instead.

        On July 27, after the establishment of the front Committee, according to the situation of preparation, it was decided that the uprising would be changed from the evening of 28 to the evening of 30. On July 28, Zhou Enlai came to Helong headquarters, told Helong about the uprising plan and asked for his opinions. Helong expressed his firm support for the party's decision. Zhou Enlai immediately appointed Helong as the commander in chief of the uprising forces in the name of the former Party committee. The time of the uprising was set at 1920___ At 4:00 a.m. on August 1, 2004, the uprising was held two hours earlier at 2:00 a.m. due to the appearance of traitors in the army.

        This is 1920___ The sand table model of Nanchang City in, when there were walls around Nanchang City, there were seven gates. The tall white building in the center of the city was Jiangxi Grand Hotel. All around are the places where the uprising troops were stationed. The troops participating in the uprising included the 20th army of the National Revolutionary Army led by he long and the 11th army of the National Revolutionary Army led by Ye Ting. Zhu De founded the third army officers education group.

        Under the command of Zhou Enlai, he long, Ye Ting, Zhu De and Liu Bocheng, more than 20000 uprising troops launched a fierce attack on the enemy's garrison. The battle lasted for more than four hours, and the uprising troops completely controlled Nanchang city. More than 3000 defenders in Nanchang were annihilated, more than 800 machine guns, more than 4000 rifles and more than 700000 bullets were seized.

        The most intense battle was when the enemy general headquarters was attacked. Most of the elite troops of the enemy are stationed here, and they have already been informed by the traitors. They have made preparations in advance. After the battle, the rebel army is desperate. He long, Liu Bocheng, Zhou Yiqun and other comrades are also in the front line to command the battle. The rebel army soon occupied the military and political head office of the enemy, and the shameful traitor has also been punished.

        The fire of Nanchang Uprising quickly spread all over the country and ignited the spark of revolutionary armed struggle. The August 1 Nanchang Uprising is of great significance in the history of Chinese revolution. He fired his first shot at the reactionaries of the Kuomintang at the critical moment of the revolution. He was the beginning of the armed revolutionary struggle under the independent leadership of the Communist Party of China. In order to commemorate this unforgettable day, on June 30, 1933, the CPC Central Committee decided "August 1" as the anniversary of the Chinese workers' and peasants' Red Army, which is the Chinese people's day The origin of the army day of the people's Liberation Army.

        This is the end of my explanation today. Here is the time for you to visit freely. We will gather at the gate in about 30 minutes. I hope this visit will leave a deep impression on you. I wish you all have a good time. Thank you.




        Good morning! Ladies and gentlemen:

        Today we will go and visit the Yueyang Tower, Yueyang Tower lies in the west of Yueyang city, nearby the Dongting Lake, it is listed as three famous towers in the south of Yangtze River, together with Yellow Crane Tower at Wuhan, Hubei province and Tengwang Tower at Nanchang, Jiangxi province.

        Yueyang Tower was originally built for soldiers to rest on and watch out. In the Three kingdoms Period, Lusu, General of Wu State, trained his soldiers here and then rebuilt it as a tower to review his troops.

        In the forth year (716 A.C) of Kaiyuan of Tang Dynasty, General Zhangshuo was dispatched to defend at yuezhou and he rebuilt it into a Tower named South Tower, and then Yueyang Tower. In the forth year (1044 A.C) of Qingli of Song Dynasty, Teng Zijing was stationed at Baling Jun, the ancient name of Yueyang city. In the second year, he had the Yueyang Tower repaired and had poems by previous poets inscribed on the walls of the Tower. Fan Zhongyan, a great artist and poet, was invited to write the well-known poem about Yueyang Tower, in his essay which entitled《 A Panegyric of the Yueyang Tower》, the two sentences Fan writes :“ Be the first to worry about the troubles across the land, the last to enjoy universal happiness” have for thousands of years been a well-quoted dictum and made the tower even better known then before.

        The architectural style of Yueyang Tower is quite unique. The main tower is 21.35 meters high with 4 columns, 3 stories, flying eave, helmet roof and wood construction, the helmet-roof of such a large dimension is a rarity among the ancient architectures in China.

        Entering the tower, you"ll pass the famous couplet: "Dongting is the water of the world, Yueyang is the tower of the world." Moving on, there is a platform (Dianjiang tai) that once functioned as the training ground for the navy of Three-Kingdom period general Lusu. To its south is the Huaifu Pavilion in memory of Dufu (712-770AD), who was the famous poet during the Tang dynasty and wrote the famous poem <> and later died in the city. Stepping out of the Xiaoxiang Door, the Saint Plum Pavilion (Xianmei ting) and the Three Drunkards Pavilion (Sanzui ting) can be seen standing on two sides. In the garden to the north of the tower is the tomb of Xiaoqiao, the wife of Zhouyu, another famous Three-Kingdom general.


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