Man:Mr. Zhangsan
Woman:Mrs. Lishi
We both obtained the legal marriage registraion on Nov. 14, 20xx. Our daughter Wangwu was born on Jan. 15,20xx.We can’t live together well and our marital relation is broken. Both sides agree to come to the settlement of divorce.
1.Both sides agree to dissolve the marriage voluntarily.
2. Both sides agree that Mrs. Lishi shall gain the daugter’s custody,Mr. Zhangsan shall pay a monthly maintenance fee ¥800 before the 8th. of each month.Mr. zhangsan can visit daughter anytime without any restriction.
3. Mr. Zhangsan will reimburse ¥50,000.00 to Mrs. Lishi.
4.The house located on the road of Liushi Road ,Liuzhou city is marital property.The house belongs to Mrs. Lishi.
5.Both sides have confirmed that they have no common claims and liabilities.
Both the man and the woman shall have full civil capacity,they can dispose their property by themselves.
5.This agreement is in triplicate,both sides shall hold one copy,the registration department will keep one copy.The settlement will take effect when both parties sign it and confirmed by registration department .
Man:Mr. Zhangsan Woman:Mrs. Lishi
ID No. ID No.
May 28,20xx Jul.28,20xx
From:Guangxi Yongwei lawyer Firm Tao Jianwu lawyer
Date:Jul 6,20xx