"The Truman Show" is a profound and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of a mans existence within a... [全文]
"The Truman Show" is a profound and thought-provoking film that explores the complexities of a mans existence within a... [全文]
這個假期看了楚門的世界。看完后我又要開始懷疑我所在的世界或許也是假的了,楚門的世界是一部電影。我的世界也可能是一部電影,或者... [全文]
As the movie started,Truemans life was peaceful and warm,filled with happyness,of which we may be envious.Everything went o... [全文]
Truman was a man, ordinary, like the life around us. He has many desires, and very easy to meet. Therefore, he sometimes... [全文]
一個嬰兒在桃花島出生了,他不知是有幸還是不幸地被選中了作為這場巨大的真人秀的主角。億萬個人通過電視目睹著他的出生,學(xué)會走路,掉... [全文]
《楚門的世界》是派拉蒙影業(yè)公司于1998年出口的一部電影。由彼得?威爾執(zhí)導(dǎo),金?凱瑞、勞拉?琳妮、諾亞?艾默里奇等聯(lián)袂主演。該... [全文]
之所以會去看《楚門的世界》,是由于當(dāng)時瘋狂迷戀著美國演員金·凱瑞。他幽默風(fēng)趣,又擅長走無厘頭搞笑路線,因此被冠以“喜劇之星”這... [全文]
Watch a movie called "Truman show" of the film, I was deeply moved by the courage to dream.This movie is mainly about ... [全文]
看了電影《楚門的世界》,總覺得想說點(diǎn)什么。故事很簡單,一個叫楚門的人從小生活在一個人為制造出來的虛假世界中,身邊每個人都在騙他... [全文]