Ladies and gentlemen
Hello everyone! Welcome to the little wild goose pagoda. I'm your guide. Ihope you can remember the little wild goose pagoda.
The little wild goose pagoda is located in Jianfu temple in the southernsuburb of Xi'an City, Shaanxi Province. It was built in 720 ad_ In 1999, therewere 1320_ It's a long history. This tower was built by Emperor Zhongzong LiXian and empress Wei for master Yijing, in order to store the Scriptures thatmaster Yijing brought back from India.
Now we see the external structure of the little wild goose pagoda. Theoutside of the little wild goose pagoda is built of brick, which is a tower withdense eaves. If you look down at the little wild goose pagoda in the air, itwill feel like an inverted screw. Xiaoyan pagoda has experienced three majorearthquakes, resulting in the loss of the top two stories. When there was nodamage, the height of the little wild goose pagoda was 46 meters. After theearthquake, it became 43 meters.
Now let's go inside and have a look! There are stone steps and woodenhandrails inside. Although it is complete now, it has suffered a lot of damage.In 1965, Liang Sicheng proposed the method of "repairing the old with the old".He found the same brick as the green brick to repair the small wild goosepagoda. Finally, the small wild goose pagoda was the same as before.
The little wild goose pagoda has a long history. After 70 earthquakes, itstill stands. What's more amazing is that in the 1487 earthquake, a big crackappeared in the small wild goose pagoda, which could reach 1520_ After anotherearthquake, the cracks of the little wild goose pagoda closed again. Why?Because when the ancient craftsmen built the little wild goose pagoda, they madeits foundation into a bowl shape, so that no matter how big an earthquake theyexperienced, they would not be squeezed and deformed. The ancient craftsmen areso clever!
Have a good time. bye!
Hello! Dear passengers, my friends, I am you the tour guide. First to introduce myself. My name is guilin travel guide, hong-yu zhu, I will be with you through this journey together, thank you to give me this chance, I will service for you, let everybody have a good time in guilin and happy, hope everyone support to our work.
Guilin, the famous tourist destination, as the saying goes: "landscape jiatianxia guilin." Guilin with her mountain, water show, hole, Shi Xiu is famous for its beautiful scenery, every year attracts millions of tourists from home and abroad to guilin tourism.
Guilin mountains in this area, the past high mountains towering, springing up, connect. Guilin water winds bend, on the bottom, in trip in the future I will take you on a boat to see guilin is the most beautiful one in the river, li river. The lijiang river water is eerily quiet, quiet we simply don't feel it in the flow; The water of the lijiang on the bottom, can see there are many beautiful fish swimming around.
Guilin more mountain stone, famous with the hilt of crescent hill stone fish stone elephant trunk hill, fubo hill sword-power-test rock... Guilin hole is a special skill. Let me together with me, please go ashore to admire the mysterious rock.
Rock cave of the area is big, can accommodate more than ten thousand people, look here, inside hole has a strange shape various scenery: a vast original "forest", "pagoda" towering tall and straight, and fresh white "bamboo"... A "palace of nature," said. Look at this way, for a variety of stalactites, under the lights, it is more fun? The stalactites has a beautiful name, what "shiling toward", "stone milk account", "haeundae range" and so on. Please free to enjoy, must pay attention to safety!
Guilin stone beauty, green hills, water show, hole. The beautiful scenery of the singularly, won the praise of the "landscape jiatianxia guilin". Compose a as long as more than 80 km of landscape picture scroll.
游客朋友們,大家看——連綿起伏的陰山山脈,像一位大智若愚的長者,靜靜地沿東西走向橫亙在烏拉特后旗境內(nèi),臥聽、注視著山里山外發(fā)生的翻天覆地的變化。陰山山脈上的山榆樹不畏嚴(yán)寒酷暑,頑強地和大自然抗?fàn)帲粨竦貏莸刈聣殉砷L。位于賽臨線15 公里處陰山山脈半山坳平坦的一塊石坡上佇立著一尊奇石,遠看像精靈乖巧的獼猴,調(diào)皮地回頭眺望,獼猴的口、鼻、眼、耳形象逼真,惟妙惟肖,似在回頭觀望自己曾經(jīng)走過的每一個腳印,尋找自己灑落的星星點點的足跡;似在尋覓富庶的陰山山脈可供采摘的果實;似在瀏覽觀望富裕的烏拉特后旗人來人往、車水馬龍的繁華景象……由這神奇的回頭觀望的石獼猴,可聯(lián)想到我們勤勞勇敢智慧的烏拉特后旗各族兒女,宛如這高瞻遠矚的石獼猴,既不折不撓,奮勇向前;又不斷總結(jié)經(jīng)驗,回眸走過的風(fēng)雨歷程,抖落一路征程的疲勞,覽盡人間險境,沐浴陽光雨露,披荊斬棘,乘勝前進。
神奇的“回頭石”,又酷似仰天長嘯、哇哇吼叫的水神“蛤蟆”,正在祈求長生天普降大雨,滋潤干渴的土地和久旱的草原,給辛勤勞作的廣大農(nóng)牧民群眾帶來風(fēng)調(diào)雨順,福壽安康!水神“蛤蟆”的祈盼可謂顯靈。近幾年,烏拉特后旗地段的陰山山脈發(fā)生了翻天覆地的巨大變化,迎來礦山企業(yè)50多家落戶在她的腳下;現(xiàn)代化廠房鱗次櫛比,條條道路車水馬龍,投資客商天南地北……陰山山脈礦區(qū)創(chuàng)產(chǎn)值利稅豐厚無比;馬奴莊園、古道民俗第一村、五虎圖陰山巖畫以及善達古廟、東升廟、畢力蓋廟等旅游景點星羅棋布;封山護林、植樹造林、防洪小流域生態(tài)治理齊頭并進;陰山腳下的新旗府成為全市乃至全區(qū)最耀眼的明珠,向西部強旗、有色金屬之都、循環(huán)經(jīng)濟示范旗挺進;胡格吉樂廣場、公園成為全市最大的休閑廣場、公園;民族教育政府埋單,中小學(xué)生全部免費上學(xué)……感謝這神奇的 “回頭石”,給烏拉特后旗帶來了興旺發(fā)達的好運,給烏拉特后旗各族兒女帶來了吉祥如意的福祉?!盎仨恍Π倜纳?,“百業(yè)興旺增顏色”。有這塊神奇的“回頭石”的祈盼與祝福,有勤勞勇敢智慧的烏拉特后旗各族兒女審時度勢的回眸與總結(jié),烏拉特后旗的明天會更加美好……
地勢西北高、東南低。山地、平原、水域面積大體為6:3:1。都江堰市屬中亞熱帶濕潤氣候區(qū),四季分明,夏無酷暑,冬無嚴(yán)寒,雨量充沛,空氣清新,氣候宜人。 都江堰市始建于蜀漢,有著20xx多年的悠久歷史,因地處都江堰首,當(dāng)時故名灌縣,1988年5月,經(jīng)國務(wù)院批準(zhǔn)撤銷灌縣設(shè)立都江堰市,1994年被國務(wù)院列為國家歷史文化名城。 都江堰市是一座新興的中等工業(yè)旅游城市。