The period between 11:00 pm to 3:00 am in the next day is the beauty time, and it is also the time for the meridians in human body to move to gall bladder and liver. If these two organs do not have adequate rest, it will be reflected on the skin. So some problems such as roughness, yellowish face, dark spots and acne will appear. Whats worse, long-term staying up late will slowly cause some neurological and psychiatric symptoms such as insomnia, forgetfulness, irritability, anxiety and so on.
Fifth, affecting fertility
For the men and women of childbearing age, if they always stay up late, it will not only affect the motility and quantity of male sperm, but also will affect the secretion of female hormone and the quality of ovum, and it is also likely to influence the menstrual cycle.
Sixth, increasing the probability of getting some chronic diseases
People who staying up all night always have higher secretion of adrenaline than the average person, which will increase the pressure on metabolism, and thus leading to some chronic diseases, such as hypertension and diabetes.
Whats more, there are also other harms caused by staying up late, such as poor eyesight or dysfunction of the liver. We should pay special attention to these bad effects, and try not to stay up late at night.
Nowadays, staying up late is a mon practice for many people, and many people go to bed very late. Moreover, according to statistics, people stay up late gradually younger, not to mention some students now began to stay up late, one or two point to sleep.
My sister is an example. The Chinese new year a few days, her brother came to their home from the field. Her brother came with a puter, and there was a plant fighting zombie on the puter, and the level of play was high. Sister is also fascinated by this game, playing with him, playing until the early morning, sleep. My sister is a very capable of sleeping, sleep until noon 11. After a few days, her other brother came, and he also brought a puter, the puter also has plants fighting zombies, the level of play is also very high. So my sister and he is a play, play until four o'clock in the morning. Then my sister slept until two or three o'clock.
You see, my sister got rid of the time, and if so, can the body live? We must not be less than six hours of sleep in children. If less than six hours, in the study, work will have a big impact, such as we go to class may sleep. What will happen? And we can't sleep too much, and if you sleep all twenty-four hours a day, it's certainly not going to work. So we have to develop good habits to get up early and go to bed early in the evening and get up early in the morning. This day can learn up to in fine fig, easy, easy.
Finally, remind you not to disturb the order of sleep because of the game or what temptation, do not develop the habit of staying up late, to develop the good habit of getting up early and going to bed early, so that our body will help.
owadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.
Nowadays, many young people like to stay up, because there are a lot of night activities that attract them. As these young people work in the office in the daytime, so they need to hang out and find some fun at night, which leads to stay up. Recently, a 26 years old girl was diagnosed with cancer. When she got to know it, she just couldn’t believe it. As she was young and beautiful, the fate must play joke on her. She started to take a look back at her passed days. She overworked and always stayed up. How regretful she was. If given chance again, she would not stay up. Young people believe that as they are young so they can ignore these problems. Staying up is like committing suicide gradually, for health, sleep early.